Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day 2

Christmas Day 1

Christmas Eve and before¤t=1ad0a6d4.pbw
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Well, there wasn't a lot of sleeping at our house, but there has been a Merry Christmas. Come and see and hear some of the traditions and activity at the Ereksons on Geyer in Frontenac, Missouri.

We have had present at Ryswick not only Rock, Joy, Kate and Michael (the usual residents) but also Carma Wadley, Greg, Lisa, Julia, Baby Rock Erekson and Sandy Ruconich.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Thanks to Nana and Baba for the Christmas pjs and gifts!

Rock is doing a great job walking!!

Mary and Angel enjoying Christmas Eve (aka Julia and Tia)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Welcome Family and Friends

Greetings to all the Erekson clan, extended family and friends throughout the world. This my first foray into the blogging world; I'm not entirely sure how this blogging works, but it seems intriguing.

I hope this blog will be a source of information and communication by and among all the Ereksons, extended family and friends. Stay tuned and watch for commentary, photos, videos and other such things.

With love, Rock Erekson

Rock & Joy

Rock & Joy
The Ereksons at Ryswick on Geyer

Greetings to all the Erekson clan, extended family and friends throughout the world. This my first foray into the blogging world; I'm not entirely sure how this blogging works, but it seems intriguing. I hope this blog will be a source of information and communication by and among all the Ereksons, extended family and friends. Stay tuned and watch for commentary, photos, videos and other such things. With love, Rock Erekson